Tuesday, March 11, 2025

CCR #1 Script

 Since I have finished my project it is time to start planning out my CCR. This whole week I will be posting the scripts to the 4 questions. 

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

What is addiction? Addiction is when someone relies on something so heavily they feel as if they can’t live without it. You can be addicted to anything some are basic things that won’t harm you like coffee, sugar, work, etc. But theres also the addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc. It’s something that can ruin the life of the addict and the family. It turns their whole life around relying on the substance to practically live. And it’s not even something they choose for themselves because addiction can be genetically transmitted. My film opening “Getting” represents any type of addiction or addicts. Many people have stereotypes on how addicts behave or look and how they go about their day to day life. But my film opening challenges those thoughts and ideas by showing the truth. Not all addicts quit for the same reason. Not all addicts are homeless. And not all addicts are bad people. Yes they struggle. Yes they make mistakes. But people often forget that it’s their first time living too. Being accepting and welcoming is one of the best things we can do as humans. Addiction is a big issue all around the world. Gambling though is the addiction with the highest rates of suicide. I hope that any addicts that watch my film will realize the dangers of the path that they are continuing on and hopefully are able to change for the better. Even though there are ups and downs in the process of recovery at the end seeing your family and friends happy and relived is the end goal.

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CCR #4 Script

  How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? The technologies that I used to create my film inclu...