Today im going to be researching Media Theory specifically Todorov’s Narrative Theory of Equilibrium.
Todorov states that every narrative story has distinctive parts. Today Ill be talking about three of those parts. Equilibrium, disequilibrium, and new equilibrium.
The equilibrium is when the audience is introduced to characters and beginning of the story. in my case this would be the first switch from the laundromat to the casino. At first the main character seems like a normal woman doing her laundry, then the flashback to the casino makes it seem as if she has a secret.
Next would be the disequilibrium which is the initial disruption…something disrupts the protagonist’s life. In the case of my story the disequilibrium would be her struggling to get out of her gambling addition..and even falling back into old habits.
Finally New equilibrium the protagonist’s solves the disruption, or not (usually for a good reason. My protagonist will be ATTEMPTING to solve the problem for good reason. Her baby. If she fails or if she succeeds is something that only the rest of the movie will tell.
Some movies that use Todorov’s Equilibrium theory are Moana, Toy Story, Decent, and much more. These moves are very successful and if I follow along with his rules so will my film opening.
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