Sunday, March 9, 2025

Editing day 1

Today I started editing my film opening. When I was first retrieving the files I freaked out because I couldn’t find the laundromat clips. Then I remembered they were two different SD cards…lol

So today what I did was sort the clips figure out what I needed or didn’t need and put everything in order of the story line. Tomorrow I need to cut everything down to get the 2 minutes. I also need to find sound effects for the casino and laundromat. I need sounds of washing machines circulating, people playing games, a heartbeat. 

I also need to figure out if the song is legible I asked my mom she said she needed look for a while. I’m going to ask my friends today. But I feel like if I need to ask then that’s a problem in itself. 

To be continued tomorrow 😓 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Title :)

 First I want to say I can make a script, create a story, act, edit…but create a title. Nope can’t do it. I truly congratulate anyone with this job, this is hard!

So for the title my idea was to call it GETTING or THE GET. I have a reason. She is getting better (recovery from her addiction) or getting money (going back to the casino) it kind of leave the beginning of the story into the interpretation of the viewer. 

The placement can either be at the very end when i’m walking out of the laundromat and it appears when I walk away. So kind of like i’m leaving a trail…


I can also do it in one of the shots I have where I put the camera inside the washing machine and the camera is covered until I start taking clothes out. So the title is covered at first and slowly revealed as I start taking everything out. I feel like both could be cool. Maybe i’ll try both out and see how I feel.

As for the font I found this at the very beginning of my film project and I still really like it. It’s these letters but in poker card form and it really fits the theme of my film opening. Only thing is I’m not so sure if it’ll be legible. I’m going to ask around and see what people think and then i’ll decide if I should use it or shouldn’t. 

This week i’m really nervous because i’m taking the SAT so i’ve been head on studying so on Saturday after the SAT i’ll start editing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Match Cut research

 So in my film opening I have 3 different match transition, and i’ve never edited a match transition in my life so today I took it upon myself to learn. 

First things first a match cut is a transition used to seamlessly transition to another location or a scene.

 It can be graphic which is when the shape of an object matches the two shots. This for example is one of mine- when the washing machine transitions to the eye. The shape of them are the same (circular.) For this specific match cut when I filmed them I made sure both were centered and stable shots so it would be easier for me to edit.

There is also an action/ movement match cut. This is my other two. When the action moves into the following scene. In my case this is when she inserts the cash, and when she presses the button. 

There are a lot of other match cuts like sound, color, idea, and direction. I will only be using the ones above for my film opening. 

The important thing with match cuts it’s making sure they are in same angle, centered, and stable shots. Which are all things I did so i’m really hoping i’m successful with it. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Filming day 2: Laundromat

Today I filmed at the laundromat and I think it came out SO cinematic and really good. We filmed a lot of extra shots so I have so much to choose from, but everything came out like I had in my vision. 

When we got there it was packed which wasn’t good because we sometimes had to wait for people to clear the area which would take a while, and then another person would appear. Which was a bit annoying. 

Also since in the casino I had to use cash instead of a coin my cash transition wasn’t through the washing machine but instead through an ATM that exchanged our cash for coins. I really hope it works out because I grabbed the wrong SD card so we couldn’t even compare the shots to each other. 

So many people were watching me film and laughing so you might see them in the background of my film opening so…keep an eye out for that!!!

To make the pregnant belly we used a bowl but since you could see the ridges we covered it with a towel. It looked a lot better than the picture here. 

When we filmed the pregnancy scene I was so embarrassed because there were so many people watching, but it came out so realistic im so excited to start editing. If I do a good job I really think it’ll come out amazing!! 

I also changed my outfit a bit. Instead of wearing skinny jeans I wore sweatpants because it was easier to fake the pregnant belly this way. I put a lot of powder on my face to make myself look whiter and I put on really clumpy blue mascara. I’m not sure why I did this but it just felt like her. She also had a really messy bun which brought the outfit together. 

Me and my mom had a lot of fun filming since this is how we bond :)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Review on Casino + I made a mistake

 So the Hard Rock was a great choice other than the fact they didn’t have coin slots…still upset about it. Other than that the lighting was a lot better than I thought and it wasn’t that packed. Were there a lot of people. Yes. But it was filmable you know… I got all the shots I wanted and it was very successful I would say.We also saw my mom’s friend and the casino and asked him if we could film his screen and he said yes. So when i edit i’m going to put them together so it looks like i’m playing when i’m actually not. I took clips of facial expressions and me pressing buttons to help it appear realistic. Now I need to start editing and see how I do everything else at the laundromat. 

Here’s a sneak peek of the clips 

I might or might have not also filmed some clips in slo-mo without realizing…whoops. I can always speed it up but well see if it looks weird in the final product. Some of them I could also keep as slo-mo I feel like it could add to the scene??? I don’t know I just hope it works out.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Filming day 1

 So today I started filming. I actually only wanted to have one day of filming but something went wrong. 

Basically I got everything together and packed it up in the car. I asked my mom to film for me because she a professional videographer and photographer, and I want the best quality for my film opening. So we were on our way. 

We went to the 1st filming location which was the casino. We went to the hard rock hotel. We started looking around for a machine that had a coin slot but they were almost ALL with card. Until we found one with cash. This means that my coin transition is going to have to change to a cash transition, and i’m not sure if there is cash laundromats. 

We continued filming and I was nervous since I can’t play the games. BUT all the games shown are my mom playing and me recording. So nothing illegal going on here :). 

I got all the shots I wanted and to get the eye transition shot I ducked down to get a bright light in my eye since a lot of the games weren’t as bright as I thought.

We wrapped up filming at the casino and were in the way to the laundromat when my dad called up telling us he broke his knee. So we had to go back home and take him to the hospital. 

The laundromat will have to be left for another day which might be a blessing in disguise since I have to look for another laundromat that accepts cash. I definitely learnt I have to do more research on filming locations before we actually go out.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Location scouting


 location time! So we need two main locations a casino and a laundromat. Here are some options I found for both. 


Hard Rock:

This one is a great option it’s huge, meaning there will be many slot machines and places to film. I zoomed in on the pictures they had online and it seems like they have games with a coin slot. But it might be packed and hard to film with so many people. This one is also really brightly lit which is not what I wanted.


I’ve driven past this one on the way to the beach and it’s always packed, but it seems pretty big. The thing I like about it is the lighting is dark and the lights they have are colored lights, which is the vision I had in my head. 


This one is a lot smaller than the others. And less well known so it might be easier to film, and I like the lighting here, it’s dimmed so most of the lighting depends on the games.  



This laundromat is perfect. It accepts coins. It fits the vibe. It’s 24/7 so I can go at whatever time. And it has 4/5 starts. I LOVE IT 😍 

I think what i’m going to do is go to the hard rock, because my mom also knows her way around it and it has a lot of benefits and then go to the laundromat. Location scouting ✅

Editing day 1

Today I started editing my film opening. When I was first retrieving the files I freaked out because I couldn’t find the laundromat clips. T...