Friday, August 30, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

 On this assignment we were given the directions to tell a story of an inanimate object while using only 15 shots and specific camera shots/angles we had to use.

My partner and I decided to tell the story of a colored pencil that wasn’t taken care of correctly and got worn out. 

I think I could’ve done a lot better on the quiz. Since it was the first one I was pretty nervous and wasn’t able to be as creative as I usually am. I think that next time around ill be able to do a better job now that I know what the quizzes are like. I also have a better understanding of the different camera shots I now then I did before. This is because I was able to discuss with my classmates and see it in a different light. Below ill link the quiz.

Camera Shots Quiz

Editing day 1

Today I started editing my film opening. When I was first retrieving the files I freaked out because I couldn’t find the laundromat clips. T...